Woman In Progress

Circumstances vs Thoughts

April 13, 2022 Samantha Ushedo Episode 7

Do you ever wonder how it’s possible people are able to genuinely think and feel differently about the same scenario? Some people create an opinion on their work load, the amount of people in the gym, and even the weather - yet the the circumstance itself is just a fact, not right or wrong - it just is.

However we as humans then apply our own opinions, judgments and experiences onto these circumstances which cause us to feel a certain way which then eventually leads to our actions. All as a result of how we interpret a scenario. Today I’m sharing the first two part of the model I use with all of my clients and is fundamental in the work I do.

So, if you find yourself struggling with lots of negative emotions, notice you have a lot of repetitive thoughts that don’t serve you and are struggling to create the results in your life you want most, then you’ll want to listen to todays episode!

In today’s episode I break down:

  • A key tool I use when coaching all my clients
  • The difference between a circumstance and a thought
  • Why ALL circumstances are neutral
  • The importance of becoming aware of what you are thinking

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