Woman In Progress

How To Feel Better

April 20, 2022 Samantha Ushedo Episode 8

As Human Beings we are driven by our feelings. We are emotional creatures, and we like to make choices in the short term that’ll make us feel good, yet in the long term we end up feeling stressed, upset and even disappointed. But once we recognise that all of our feelings are caused by what we are thinking, the world opens up for us.

Using the power of being able to feel what you want, when you want, in a reaction to your thoughts, you’ll be able to make the decision if you want to feel this way or if not, be able to change it with intention.

I know you might be curious about how you can control the way you feel, and that’s why in this episode I share with you:

  • How are thoughts impact the way we feel
  • Why are actions are a result of our feelings
  • How to identify the feeling you’re experiencing in the moment
  • The difference between your thoughts and feelings
  • Why we sometimes lack intention with our actions

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