Woman In Progress

Invest In Yourself

May 04, 2022 Episode 10

It’s no secret that I’m a huge proponent of coaching and personal development. The growth and transformation I’ve experienced firsthand over the last 12 years has been nothing short of amazing. As a result, I feel it is my mission to be able to support other women in having those same transformations in any area of life through my work and my message.

But the truth is, levelling up your life does come at a cost. It will cost you time, money, and being willing to shed old belief systems and parts of yourself that no longer serve you.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why I aggressively invest in my own personal and professional development
  • My take on investing in coaching and why there is no thing as a “guarantee”
  • The importance of having your own back when you choose to invest in yourself
  • Why I believe people don’t want to invest in themselves
  • Why the worst thing to do is invest reluctantly and the metric I always use when making important decisions

Connect with me:

I'd love to hear from you! Instagram is one of my favourite places to hang out, so be sure to join my community, send me a message and tag me in your #WomanInProgress moments! https://www.instagram.com/ushedocoaching/

Let’s chat! If you’re curious about what it looks like to coach with me, book a 1:1 consult - https://calendly.com/s-ushedo/consult?month=2022-02

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