Woman In Progress

The Parts of You That You Don't Like

May 18, 2022 Samantha Ushedo Episode 12

I’m just going to come right out and ask it: are there parts of yourself that you just don’t like?

You’re not alone, my friend. I’ve got a few of my own!

The truth is, we all have incredible, beautiful, extraordinary parts of ourselves AND we have parts of ourselves that are not so great. Could be better. Are less than ideal.

Welcome to the curse of being human!

In today’s episode, I share with you what is meant by the term “Shadow Self”, the parts of me I’m not particularly fond of and what I do about them. I offer you an approach I’d recommend when looking at these parts of yourself (especially if you’re someone who is more prone to denying them) and why I believe we can eliminate so much unnecessary suffering when we are willing to just acknowledge - rather than fight against - the aspects of ourselves that make us human. If you’re someone who is typically hard on yourself and is looking for a way to practice the skill of self-compassion, this episode is for you!

And remember, you are 100% worthy as you are, including the parts you don’t like.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the “Shadow Self” is and why you need to embrace these parts of yourself
  • The parts of myself I don’t like and why I needed to give myself permission to accept them
  • The most effective way to change any behaviour you feel is less than you best version
  • Why it isn’t necessary to try and like these parts of yourself

Connect with me:

Let’s chat! If you’re curious about what it looks like to coach with me, book a 1:1 consult -https://calendly.com/s-ushedo/consult

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