Woman In Progress

What Is Your Conflict Capacity?

June 22, 2022 Samantha Ushedo Episode 17

I used to think conflict occurred as a result of some “difficult personalities” or specific situations…until I started working an office job. I quickly realized that conflict is all around us and that, if left unresolved, it can affect every single aspect of our lives, from our self-confidence to our physical and mental health. Learning to manage (not avoid) conflict in a healthy way is essential if you’re a human and in relationships with other humans (see what I did there?). So if you dread, avoid or find you have too much conflict in your life, this episode is for you. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why conflict is not a problem
  • The cost of avoiding engaging in difficult conversations
  • The most common behaviours we demonstrate in the face of conflict (and why they don’t serve us)
  • How to increase your conflict capacity

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