Woman In Progress

The Value Of A Coach

Samantha Ushedo Episode 20

Inspired by a recent and very experience I had with a coach, I found myself reflecting on why I love having a coach so much and why I believe it is the best way to grow and evolve as a Woman In Progress. I feel as though I only really scratched the surface here, but this list is definitely the top 10 reasons why I value coaching so highly in my own life.

Join me on today’s episode as I share my thoughts on the value of a coach and why I think EVERYONE should work with a coach in some way, shape or form in their lifetime.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • About a recent experience I had talking with a new coach I was curious about working with
  • The top 10 reasons why I think coaching is so valuable
  • Why I don’t think coaching is only for people who are struggling
  • Why it’s so important to have someone in your life who sees you for who you most want to be and not just who you are now

Connect with me:

Let’s chat! If you’re curious about what it looks like to coach with me, book a 1:1 consult -https://calendly.com/s-ushedo/consult

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